• Amy Hertle Counseling Intensive Therapy

Intensive Therapy

Intensive Therapy

Unhurried time to heal trauma, change negative patterns and beliefs, expand goals.

 Intensive therapy might be right for you if:

  • You feel like weekly 50 minute sessions simply have not been enough to help you dig deep enough and make change.
  • You feel like you have just gotten started in a session to find its time to wrap up and schedule next appointment.
  • You have a sense that something profound has yet to change, but you’re not quite sure why you haven’t gotten there with all the time you’ve already invested in therapy.
  • You cognitively understand new things, yet your mind and body are still living old patterns.
  • You are curious about how to integrate your knowledge into your lived experience.
  • You’ve been meaning to get into weekly therapy for a while now, but your schedule has been so hectic and demanding that a weekly therapy appointment feels like just another thing to fit into a week. Not to mention you might sit on a waitlist for weekly therapy for weeks or months.
  • You need help — and a lot of it — right now, and you don’t want to spend months or even years in the traditional weekly model of therapy treatment to feel better.
  • You want to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for a big life event like a  wedding, becoming a parent, a medical procedure, starting a new job, or moving to a new city
  • You are new to therapy and prefer to work intensively.

What is Intensive Therapy

Intensive Therapy is a powerful way to accelerate the healing that you would experience in a typical sessions over a longer period of time.  Rather than going to counseling for 50 minute sessions once a week, you would set aside a specific chunk of time for intensive therapeutic work. It is a concentrated way to get the power of therapy without having time between sessions.

Intensives allow time to build rapport, foster open communication, relax to go slowly and dig deep while addressing sensitive and vulnerable topics

How does Intensive Therapy Work

Prior to the Intensive, we meet for a pre-Intensive session.  Here we will briefly explore your history to determine your goals for your Intensive.  We will explore your life experience and health in all major areas: psycho, social, emotional, physical and relational; examining what is working and what needs support.  We will also identify your coping tools and resources that might be fostered.  Your Intensive will include three consecutive days of three hours each.  This is where we will have unhurried and uninterrupted time to move deeply into your identified topics, create change and move towards healing. Following your Intensive we will meet again for a post-intensive session.    In this session we will take time to integrate the changes you have experienced, identify ways to continue incorporating these changes into your life and explore further steps if needed.

What Does an Intensive Include

In-depth Assessment

Your Intensive will begin with an in-depth assessment prior to your Pre-Intensive.  This assessment will support your personalized treatment plan as well as your personalized treatment workbook.

Personalized Treatment Workbook

You will receive a personalized treatment workbook at the time of your Pre-Intensive.  It is your place to keep  a record of your progress around your treatment goals before, during and after our sessions

Pre-Intensive Session

In this 90-minute session we will explore and identify painful memories, beliefs, emotions and limiting narratives needing to be addressed.  We will identify the goals  for your personal Intensive, and prepare for the experience.

Intensive Therapy Experience

The Intensive sessions will take place in my Minneapolis office and will include 3 consecutive days for 3 hours each day.  You may choose the options of Wednesday-Friday, Thursday-Saturday or Friday-Sunday.  Your Intensive therapy will be uniquely designed for your needs and goals.

Post-Intensive Session

In this 90-minute session we will debrief your experience and reflect on areas of insight, relief, and transformation.  We will explore next steps in your continued healing and growth.

Customized Therapy Blocks

Have you already completed a full Intensive and want a little more or simply need longer sessions to fully drop into EMDR or Grief work?  Together we can create a plan that works for you utilizing the 2 or 3 hour module and how this might fit in to your life and work for your unique circumstance.

Want to learn more? Let’s talk!